The 40-year-old woman held parties at her home between Feb. and June and allegedly provided teens with alcohol and marijuana.As a consequence, Miller has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Prosecutors say Miller had intercourse with two of the teens, had oral sex with a third and fondled a fourth. Police say the four victims were all between the ages of 14 and 15.
Mom Accused of Sex with Daughter's Friends
[Previous 7/15/10 post]
(Chicago Ridge, Illinois) A 40-year-old local mother-of-three, Cathleen M. Miller, has been accused of holding parties and molesting her teen daughter's 14- and 15-year-old male friends after plying them with marijuana and alcohol.
Miller has been charged with three counts of criminal sexual assault and one count of criminal sexual abuse.
Police said the victims were four boys between the ages of 14 and 15.Miller was booked into custody with bond set at $900,000.
Between Feb. 1 and June 1, Miller held parties at her home at which she would provide teens with alcohol and marijuana, according to court records.
Miller had intercourse with two of the teens, oral sex with a third and fondled a fourth, according to prosecutors, who said the boys were friends with Miller's teenage daughter.
The parents of another teen who had attended the parties figured out what was going on and contacted authorities, court records indicate. That teen was not considered a victim.
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