Thursday, August 05, 2010

Diversity: Wolves Killing Pets and Livestock

(Wisconsin) It's reported that 18 pet dogs have been killed by wolves in Wisconsin so far this year as farmers in the Great Lakes and Rocky Mountain regions continue to suffer from wolf predation of livestock.

The numbers on wolf predation are troubling since animal rights activists, in particular the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), are concurrently attempting to unleash wolves nationwide. Despite what the stated motivation is, the diversity crowd has found that wolf programs are fund-raising bonanzas.

A CBD petition sent to the the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) asks for a nationwide wolf "recovery" program. The petition specifically asks that:
Wolf populations be established in “suitable habitat in the Pacific Northwest, California, Great Basin, southern Rocky Mountains, Great Plains and New England.”

The CBD is basically asking the Fish and Wildlife Service to reintroduce wolves to areas where they have not existed in decades.
It's worth noting that the Center for Biological Diversity has concurrently submitted petitions to impede 2nd Amendment gun rights and to put wolves throughout America.

Maybe it's just me but if wolves are in my area, I surely don't want my ability to own and load a firearm to be infringed upon by anyone. With ubiquitous wolves and no or restricted ability to protect oneself, the wolves win. And predation of pets and livestock will become secondary when children are taken.

In the final analysis, it appears that the biological diversity crowd fails to include people in its vision of a utopian animal planet.

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