Sunday, September 19, 2010

Florida Police Chief Suspended Over Racist Joke E-mails

Horrors: Jokes about Democrats, President Obama and women!
"Wilton Manors' police chief's choice in humor wasn't funny to his bosses. Now the joke is on Richard Perez. The city's top cop has suspended 30 days without pay after an investigation concluded Perez sent inappropriate e-mails from his city account, city officials ruled Friday.

Perez came under fire after a look into his e-mail account revealed dozens of racially insensitive jokes and disparaging jokes about Democrats, President Barack Obama and women.

The punishment was based on the "derogatory, culturally insensitive and racially charged content of the emails," City Manager Joseph Gallegos wrote in a press release.

Here is one of the many offensive Jokes Perez forwarded to his command staff and other police officers. Some even contained the N-word.

“Dwayne pimps 3 ho's. If the price is $85 per trick, how many tricks per day must each ho turn to support Dwayne's $800 per day Crack habit?” reads that e-mail.

Perez apologized and said there was no excuse for his actions. He must also undergo racial and cultural sensitivity training


Maybe city officials were embarrassed that the math required was too hard for them. Note that there is nothing that is explicitly offensive or racist in the emails. If a name less typical of blacks than "Dwayne" were used, it might just be an exercise in arithmetic. And if "George Bush" were used instead of "Dwayne" it would no doubt have been seen as hilarious.

So what the police chief is being punished for is an allusion to a truth: That blacks are disproportionately involved in crack and prostitution. It is a sad day when ANY truth is "incorrect"

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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