Friday, September 10, 2010

School’s anti-gun bigotry is what’s offensive

We read:
""School offended by student's slogan on T-shirt," the CBS 13/CW 31 (Sacramento, CA) video title tells us. What was so offensive?

12-year-old Zachary Fisher won a national trapshooting competition. Understandably proud of his accomplishment, he wore a T-shirt commemorating the event to George A. Buljan Middle School in Roseville CA. The slogan?

"I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning."

Horrors! We can't allow humor, enthusiasm or practiced excellence--not when it comes to...g-g-guns!

So the institution did what politically correct government indoctrination facilities do--they forced him to remove a heretical idea that contradicts their anti-gun orthodoxy from the premises.


Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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