Saturday, October 02, 2010

NY Daycare Teacher Faces Drug Charges

(Tonawanda, New York) A 39-year-old daycare teacher at Ripen With Us Child Care, Carry Jo Cleary, has been accused of drug possession.

Drugs were found in her car when she was stopped by detectives on the way to work yeterday.

According to Tonawanda Police Lt. Nick Bado,
"They called our K-9 Unit. K-9 Unit hit on the car. It's a drug dog named "Tank" that we have and the drugs were all located within the car," said Lt. Bado.

Police say they found 31 individually packaged rocks of crack cocaine, so much that she was charged with felony possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance.

Lt. Bado explained, "Just due to the large amount, the way they were packaged other things that make that qualify."
Cleary was booked into custody with bail set at $10,000.

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