Monday, January 03, 2011

Abuse is all that Leftists have got

There's a brief posting on Wizbang in which the author ("Rick") notes the attacks on Christians recently reported in Egypt and Iraq and opines that "the Islamist attacks being perpetrated against Christians in foreign countries will one day soon be seen here in the U.S."

One could argue about the likelihood of that prediction but a Leftist commentator doesn't bother with that. He just lays on the abuse with a trowel. He says:
You're one sick puppy, Rick. You really do need help. Your hate is out of control, and putting it on daily display so that you can find fellow sick f*cks isn't really "therapy" - you're just digging your hole to hell deeper and deeper.

Bottom line, get help. You're mentally ill: "We will see those sorts of attacks here in the U.S. It's just a matter of time..."

Quit making excuses for your sick, twisted hatred of your fellow man. Get help.

The writer of course offers no reasoning to support his "diagnosis" and his inference that fear of Muslim aggression is "hatred of your fellow man" doesn't withstand a moment's scrutiny.

Mass murderers are part of "our fellow man" but that does not mean that we are wrong to disapprove of them and fear their evil deeds. Not all of "our fellow men" are the same, though Leftists often pretend that they are.

Such a pathetic effort at reasoning by the Leftist writer concerned seems evidence that HE is the one with a "sick, twisted" mind to me.

The amusing thing about the episode, though, is that "Rick" in his post quoted something that quite exactly predicted what the Leftist commenter would do: "Critics are called bigots, neo-Nazis, Islamophobes, or some other cruel name. In essence, having negative comments or judgments about Islam is labeled evil".

So by his comment, the Leftist proved the accuracy of the post that he was condemning. He just had nothing but hate to offer.

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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