Friday, February 18, 2011

Man Loses Penis in Industrial Accident

(St. Cloud, Florida) In January 2010, a 44-year-old worker at Future Foam Carpet Cushion company, Edgardo Toucet Echevarria, lost his family jewels in a steel-bladed peeler machine accident. Reportedly, Echevarria was a contract worker not trained on the equipment.

As consequences, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has proposed fining the company $42,500 and a civil suit has been filed claiming negligence.
"The surgically sharp steel blade sliced through Toucet's pelvis cutting off his penis and testicles while virtually cutting his body in half," the lawsuit states.
Echevarria seeks $15,000 in punitive damages for the loss of his junk. Frankly, I would imagine that a guy's genitals would be valued higher. Mine, for example, are priceless.

Tip: slwlion

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