Monday, February 21, 2011

World's Biggest Family

(Baktwang, Mizoram, India) Arguably the world's largest single-family home, 100 rooms in four stories, is occupied by the reported world's biggest family.

Patriarch Ziona Chana has 39 wives and 94 children.
He even married ten women in one year, when he was at his most prolific, and enjoys his own double bed while his wives have to make do with communal dormitories.

He keeps the youngest women near to his bedroom with the older members of the family sleeping further away - and there is a rotation system for who visits Mr Chana's bedroom.
So, "He keeps the youngest women near to his bedroom." It's probably because they are the quickest to respond to a cardiac emergency. Uh, or maybe there's some other reason. Heh.

Tip: slwlion

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