Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aussie School Mistress Gets Prison in Sex Case

(New South Wales, Australia) In December 2010, a 42-year-old school mistress, Cassandra Leigh Johnson, was convicted of multiple sex offenses involving 11- and 12-year-old boys. Sexual episodes reportedly occurred at school, at Johnson's home and on camping trips.

This week, Johnson was sentenced by NSW District Court Judge Anthony Garling to five years in prison.
"She did it obviously for her own sexual gratification," he said, before setting a maximum term of eight years.

Last December, the judge rejected Johnson's defence of mental illness and found her guilty of 21 sex offences carried out over a five-month period in 2009.

They included fellatio and penile vaginal penetration, at sites including the school sick bay, in her flat and on camping trips.

In one incident when five boys were in a tent, Johnson was naked and asked: "Does anyone want a blow job?".

One victim later said the woman had pressured the boys, saying: "Come on, let's go, don't be a puss", and he had "felt like a wimp" until he agreed to oral sex.
Johnson will be eligible for parole in March 2016.

Tip: JR

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