Detaining Harrison, Judge Peter Thompson said his ruling followed a 'very thorough' assessment of her psychiatric condition.Therefore, since Harrison suffers from psychological difficulties, she won't be sentenced to prison. Instead, she receives some sort of formalized counseling program of unknown duration. (h/t JR)
He added: 'This does not mean the court takes a less serious view of the offending - the victim has suffered very significantly.
'The best view is it's not going to help either party to rake over the past any further, the future is the most important thing for both of them.'
Female Teacher Guilty of Sex with Girl - Updated
[Previous 8/12/11 post]
(Suffolk, England) Tearfully, 38-year-old teacher Suzanne Harrison pleaded guilty yesterday to engaging in sex with a 15-year-old girl.
She was suspended but resigned on July 20, the day before she was due to face a disciplinary hearing.Sentencing is scheduled for September 2.
Her case will now be referred to the Independent Safeguarding Authority and the General Teaching Council.
Harrison, of Rendlesham, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, admitted two charges of sexually touching a female under 16 and one count of sexual touching involving penetration.
She also pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual activity with a female under 16 while in a position of trust between December 1, 2005, and July 31, 2006.
Female Teacher & Female Student
[Previous 7/23/11 post]
(Suffolk, England) A 38-year-old secondary school geography teacher at Suffolk One, Suzanne Harrison, has been accused of engaging in an intimate relationship with a 15-year-old girl.
Harrison, of Rendlesham, Suffolk, is said to have begun a relationship with the pupil which lasted from 2005 until 2006.Harrison's trial is expected to begin around the end of the year.
She was arrested and charged on July 8 and a hearing took place on Wednesday when the court was told one of the charges was so serious it had to be heard at Crown Court. No pleas were entered during the hearing.
District Judge David Cooper said: ‘I will send this case directly to Ipswich Crown Court and the preliminary hearing will be on July 28.’
Tip: JR
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