Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Muslim Imam Accused of Sexual Assault

(Toronto, Ontario) A 48-year-old Muslim imam at the local Baitul Mukarram Islamic Society, Mohammad Masroor, has been arrested for the alleged sexual assault of at least five victims, both male and female.

The alleged offenses reportedly occurred between November 2008 and July 2011. Masroor faces multiple counts of sexual assault and threatening death.
Det. Const. Karen Armstrong told a Wednesday morning press conference that “Mohammad Masroor was a leader in the community, he was in a position of trust. Because he was in a position of power, we believe there are other victims.”

A 12-year-old boy called Sajid prays at the Baitul Mukarram mosque. He knew Mr. Masroor, and although he was not aware of the charges laid against the man who once taught him the Koran, the young boy says what constitutes acceptable behaviour depends on where you are.

“I don’t think it’s really like that, because masroor was a good man, he didn’t do anything bad,” says Sajid, who did not want last name used. “It’s not like that because back home, like in Bangladesh, you’re allowed to hit people. It’s OK.”

Mr. Masroor has lived and worked in many countries, Det. Armstrong said, including France, Germany, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and, most recently, in the U.S. in Florida and Michigan.
Masroor is in custody.

From another source:
The issue is being treated as a sensitive one since it may become difficult to avoid inter-community tension over the arrest.

In an anti-jihadist site, a reader says, "What I find very interesting is the fact that the Toronto Police are keeping secret the age of the victims. Almost certainly they are underage (certainly the male victims) – why not mention this fact?

"If a priest was involved – or any other non-Muslim male – the very first thing we would learn was the age of the victims followed up with how despicable the crimes are. No such value judgement here.

"But because the accused is a Muslim, they keep this info secret lest he get labelled as a 'pedophile'. It is disgusting to see how Toronto Police treat these Muslim criminals with kid-gloves."
Political correctness in a child sex investigation, eh?

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