Saturday, August 06, 2011

UN Proposes Gun Treaty

A proposed United Nations treaty has been drafted to regulate guns worldwide. It's being called the "Small Arms Treaty."
Last month a U.N. committee met in New York and signed off on several provisions, including the creation of a new U.N. agency to regulate international weapon sales, and require countries that host firearms manufacturers to set up a compensation fund for victims of gun violence worldwide.
The draft treaty contains imprecise wording that could easily be interpreted to require registration of all guns "that could be exported."

An especially costly potential regulation discussed at the conference last month would require gun makers to engrave sequential tracings on every one of some 3 billion bullets produced in the U.S. each year.[…]

Another controversial part of the treaty draft establishes a compensation fund for victims of gun violence, which would transfer money from countries that export weapons to countries that had suffered gun violence. [my bold]
It should be unimaginable that the U.S. Senate would ever ratify a UN Gun Treaty. But, sadly, it is imaginable since the current crop of Washington legislators seem to go along with every authoritarian idea they hear.

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