Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Carolina Mom Accused in Porn, Booze Party

(Lexington County, South Carolina) A 47-year-old local woman, Susan Russell Hammond, was arrested this week for allegedly showing a pornographic movie to teenage boys and serving them alcohol.

Hammond faces charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
On July 26th, deputies said Hammond held a sleep over for her 14-year-old son and his two buddies at their home on Old Town Drive in Lexington. After the teens finished watching TV, Sheriff Metts said Hammond went into her bedroom and returned with a porn flick along with shots of alcohol.

Investigators said they were tipped off after one of the boy's moms noticed something suspicious on Facebook. It was a sexually explicit chat about sex and oral sex between her son and Hammond.
Hammond was booked into custody at the Lexington County Detention Center and released on $10,000 bond.

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