Friday, September 09, 2011

Hiking Nude

(Zurich, Switzerland) Feel like hiking naked?
A young Swiss woman has announced her plan to establish the first official naked hiking trail in Switzerland in the rugged hills of Zürich Oberland, but local authorities say they have not yet received a planning application.

Evelyn Schwarzenbach, a 17-year-old high school leaver from Kantonsschule Zürcher Oberland professes to have a long-standing interest in naked hikers, having previously chosen the subject as a theme for her final thesis.

If the naked hiking initiator has her way, nudists will be stripping off between Wald and Goldingen to walk around in the buff save for a pair of hiking boots, socks and perhaps some sunscreen.
Swiss federal law allows nudity in public but it's banned by some local regulations.

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