Sunday, April 15, 2012

Men Fall Frisky, Women Spring

(Tromsø, Norway)
A team of Norwegian researchers has concluded that women and men function differently when it comes to wanting sex, with women at their most active in the spring and men in the autumn.

The research team at the University of Tromsø in northern Norway has concluded that female sexual desire is determined by the light and the sun.

"Women follow the light with regards to sexual interest, but surprisingly men don't. Although both women and men reach their nadir in December," said Arne Holte at the University of Tromsø (UIT) to broadcaster NRK.

Holte has studied the connection between sexual lust and light among young people in Tromsø, Alta and Hammerfest in northern Norway and concluded that April/May is the period when women display a heightened interest in sex.

Men however tend to be most sexually active in August.
Bunch of hooey, I think. Men are frisky all year long.

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