Friday, April 13, 2012

T. Boone Pickens on Wind Power

Readers may remember that not long ago renowned oilman T. Boone Pickens was a vocal advocate of wind energy.

Pickens planned to build windfarms and expected to turn a profit if he could convince the government to fund construction of a transmission network.

Since wind-derived electricity is substantially more expensive to produce than coal, oil, nuclear or hydro, even before adding miles and miles of taxpayer-funded transmission lines, neither the public nor the politicians supported Pickens' proposal.

As a result, Pickens abandoned his windpower scheme.

Appearing on a television program this week, Pickens summed up his wind energy efforts in one simple sentence. In the patois of the American Southwest Pickens remarked,
"I've lost my ass."
I suggest Mr. Pickens is no longer fond of wind power.

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