Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Britain's National Heallth Service removes 'Dad' from parenting leaflets to avoid upsetting same-sex couples

We read:
"The NHS has removed the term "dad" from its childbirth guide after receiving a complaint that the leaflet was excluding same-sex parents.

The Ready Steady Baby pamphlet, which offers advice on pregnancy and the first year of parenthood, has been given to mums and dads-to-be for the last 14 years.

However, the 220-page guide will no longer refer to fathers after a complaint that claimed it was "not inclusive of people in same-sex relationships".

Instead, the leaflet will use the non-gender specific term "partner" in its latest revision.

Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, said the NHS was wrong to change the language in the booklet. He said: "The NHS should not be squandering tax payers' money to advance the cause of a minority interest group.

"No matter how much effort is made to present positive images of families headed by same-sex couples, the fact remains it takes a man and a woman to create a child."


Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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