(La Mesa, California)
So, if Delrosario behaves, it appears she can escape with no punishment.A woman found guilty of having sex with a 15-year-old student at Reflections Central School was sentenced on Thursday.
Chrystina Delrosario, 25, will have to register as a sex offender and could receive up to one year in prison. However, if she does not misbehave after a year of probation her sentence could be waived and her status as a sex offender will be revoked.
Should Delrosario successfully complete two years of probation, she also has the option to petition the court of dropping the charges to misdemeanors.
California Educator Accused of Classroom Sex
[Previous 7/18/12 post]
(La Mesa, California) A 25-year-old teacher's aide at Reflections Central School, Chrystina Delrosario, has been accused of engaging in sex with a 15-year-old male student.
According to La Mesa Police Capt. Dan Willis, Delrosario faces counts of performing a lewd act with a child, unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and intent to commit a sexual offense with a minor.
Delrosario has been an aide at the school since March 2010, said Music Watson, a county Office of Education spokeswoman. Delrosario has been placed on unpaid administrative leave pending completion of the investigation, Watson said. She said school officials contacted police Monday morning after receiving information about the allegation. Willis said a patrol officer and detectives immediately went to the school and interviewed the aide, the victim and others. Delrosario was arrested at the school about 1 p.m. She is accused of having intercourse once with the boy in a campus classroom about 2½ weeks ago, Willis said.Delrosario was booked into custody at the Las Colinas Detention Facility.
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