Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh No! The Swedish Chef Actually Speaks Norwegian!

(Stockholm, Sweden) Reportedly, the Swedish Chef of Muppet fame allegedly speaks a language more like Norwegian than Swedish.
Hurdy gurdy gurdy” and “bork bork bork.

These are the two gibberish phrases most people tend to use when imitating a Swede - and it’s all thanks to the Swedish Chef from The Muppets.[…]

Stockholm University linguistics professor Tomas Riad explains that the language of the chef certainly might sound Scandinavian, but that the intonation is actually far closer to Norwegian than any Swedish dialect.

“I can see where it comes from, but it doesn’t sound like Swedish to me,” he told the paper, adding that Norwegian has two tonal peaks in the spoken language, making it sound more “sing-songy”.
Interestingly, some Swedes consider the puppet character to be insulting, "like a slap in the face."

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