Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blinkered liberal Jew 

Rachel Kahn-Troster (below) claims to be a rabbi, which shows how little regard she has for her own sacred scriptures.  Leviticus 6:14 says the priesthood shall consist of Aaron and his SONS.  But what's in that silly old Bible thingy doesn't matter to her, obviously.

So it is no wonder that she calls it "hate" when anybody draws attention to the constant violence and aggression in the Muslim world.  Closed eyes are clearly her specialty.  She says not a word about America's recently slaughtered Ambassador in Libya, for instance.  She has no integrity at all.

My daily trek to work is the last place I would expect to encounter a hateful message. But anti-Islam blogger Pamela Geller is determined to make that happen to me and my fellow commuters.
This week, at 10 subway stations around New York, commuters will encounter ads from the virulently anti-Islam group headed by Geller, the American Freedom Defense Initiative. Geller has been cited both by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center for her anti-Muslim activity.  [It's A badge of honor to be cited by such far-Left outfits]

The subway ads say, "In Any War Between the Civilized Man and the Savage, Support the Civilized Man." Below that are the words: "Support Israel. Defeat Jihad," with a Star of David on either side of the phrases. The coded message makes clear who the savages are: those who support jihad, which in Geller's mind includes all Muslims. She has called Islam "an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the Earth."

At first, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority rejected the ads, but a district judge ruled the ads were protected under the First Amendment. The ads follow similar ads in San Francisco as well as posters at New York's Metro North train stations

The Metro North ads denied their bigotry by stating, "It's not Islamophobia. It's Islamorealism," claiming the actions of a few represented the "reality" of Islam. But when did it become acceptable to spread bigotry against any American religious, racial or ethnic group in the name of "realism"?


I gather that Rachel Can't Trust Her has some small theological background so at the risk of re-plowing an already very furrowed field I will mention an objection that she and her ilk might have to the modern-day applicability of Leviticus Chapter 6.  It is a chapter primarily concerned with burnt offerings and such things.  And NOBODY does burnt offerings these days, though some barbecue cooks might be suspected of it.

The point is however that the Jerusalem temple later became the  sole locus of such offerings and the destruction of the temple  by the Romans FORCED the abandonment of burnt offerings.  But there is nothing to force the abandonment of a solely male religious leadership.

I suppose I am making an argument about Halakha above  -- which is pretty mad for a non-Jew -- but I think I can read my Bible as well as anyone.  I guess my Protestant background is showing.

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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