Ann Coulter's use of the 'r-word' criticized

She's not bad looking for a lady in her 50s
Parents of children with special needs are demanding an apology from conservative political pundit Ann Coulter for tweeting after Tuesday's foreign policy debate that she approved of "Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard [Obama]."
It appeared to be a response to critiques of Mitt Romney's debate performance, but it wasn't the first time Coulter used the "the r-word" during this election season. And, it's not the first time blogger Ellen Seidman has called her out on it.
"At this point, I'm thinking the woman must surely be aware that the word is offensive, and she chooses not to care. That's pretty vile and heartless," said Seidman, the mother of a special needs child who shares her world on the blog "Love that Max."
Still, the comment was favorited 1,215 times and earned 2,993 retweets as of this writing, presumably by a number of people who didn't find it offensive.
Obama's views are VERY retarded from a conservative viewpoint. He is still fighting the old Marxist class wars. The Soviet experiment showed where that leads.
My comment above attached to the pic was of course designed to arouse ire from the boiler-suited brigade. The fact that it true probably makes it even more "offensive"
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).
Well, when the post starts first by pointing out the physical attractiveness of the woman before getting to the issue at hand, it kinda highlights the social ignorance of those offering the commentary. No doubt, Coulter would be understanding of us good conservative men who see it as fitting to first comment on her looks, rather than her intelligence, education and credentials which are supposed to make her opinions meaningful.
But yes, once again, leave it to the cat to define for the mouse how harmless the game of cat and mouse is. No doubt, if JR had a son or daughter who was mentally retarded and had suffered years of teasing and name calling by ignorant or apathetic assholes like Coulter, I'm sure rather than trying to address or educate those using the derogatory term towards his kid, he'd instead pat the kid on the back and just explain that such harmless teasing by us "normal" folks is something you retards have to accept in life.
Then again, if he were to do such, it wouldn't surprise me. Such is the nature of ignorance.
Anonymous' ignorance aside, Anne Coulter's remarks were in no way offensive whether you believe Obama is a retard or not.
My ignorance? I've got no issues with the content of what she said, just the way she said it. If those who are the subject of such verbal taunts (those with downs syndrome, diminished mental capacities, etc.) and the people who love and care for them say such use of the word is insulting to them, then that's good enough for me and I'm willing to accept it and try to understand and learn from their experience. If you are not, well, whatever ignorance I may or may not have, at least I didn't choose to be so, as you seem to have done.
More conventional conservative wisdom: Attempting to see the merits of an opposing point of view, or making any effort whatsoever to try to empathize with those different from you, is simply weakness. Those who attempt to do are not welcome among our ranks. Remember, God is on our side.
I am not ignorant. I know right from wrong and I have a backbone about it. You apparently do not, and your ignorance of those values makes you ignorant, not me. And only a moron would think it's ignorant to disagree with an opposing point of view.
I don't follow twitter but I read the linked-to article and what Coulter said is fine and is being taken out of context by people who want a strawman to yell about, nothing more. She's not taunting people with Down's Syndrome or anyone else any more than people taunt mass-murdering socialists when they call conservatives Nazis.
And whenever you decide that some other word like "strawberry" is insulting to you just like "retard," please keep it to yourself.
Please show me where I said disagreeing with an opposing point of view is ignorance. Also, what values are you speaking of that you feel I'm ignorant of?
Like I said, I have no issues with what Coulter said, just the way she said it. My argument isn't political (as much as you seem to want to make it so), it's social. So tell me, what social values am I missing the mark on? You say people who use such verbiage in this way are not taunting people with Down's Syndrome or anyone else. But I think even you would have to agree, people who use such taunts are directly or indirectly comparing people who are the focus of their criticism to people such as those with Downs syndrome and the like. And they do so mockingly as if people with such handicaps are something to look down upon, to laugh at, and make fun of. This is the basic point of my, and their, argument that you seem to fail to grasp or acknowledge.
Again, when those who are the subject of such verbal taunts say use of the word in that fashion is derogatory and insulting to them, even when not directed at them, that's good enough for me to make an effort to see things from their point of view and make an effort to change my ways.
You say it's "backbone" to stick to your position. But it's clear to me that you confuse backbone with arrogance, self-righteousness and a refusal to objectively consider their point of view. If you were able to do so, you would at least be able to agree my argument has a legitimate point before allowing your apathy and arrogance to kick in, and disregard out of hand the feedback being offered by those with such mental deficiencies.
BTW, it might surprise you that I would be critical of anyone from the left or right who used such taunts. Again, I know that's hard for you to understand, because you can't step away from your politics long enough to recognize this as a social issue that transcends political agendas. Perhaps instead, you should try applying Christian principle and values...or are those also easy for you to dismiss?
You say you know right from wrong. Well, clearly you were raised by parents who taught you it was OK to insult your enemies at the expense of those you likely view as lessors. A little conscientiousness would do you some good, in my humble opinion.
"Please show me where I said disagreeing with an opposing point of view is ignorance. "
Like I said, some people need a strawman to yell about. It's a sign of an argument lost.
"Well, clearly you were raised by parents who taught you it was OK to insult your enemies at the expense of those you likely view as lessors."
Your personal attacks are amusing. It's another sign of an argument lost. And, sorry, you're not an enemy of mine.
"BTW, it might surprise you that I would be critical of anyone from the left or right who used such taunts."
Except you're not criticizing yourself for attacking Coulter as taunting people with Down's Syndrome.
"Like I said, I have no issues with what Coulter said, just the way she said it." Then why are you attacking what Coulter said?
"You say people who use such verbiage in this way are not taunting people with Down's Syndrome or anyone else. But I think even you would have to agree, people who use such taunts are directly or indirectly comparing people who are the focus of their criticism to people such as those with Downs syndrome and the like." Yes! Credit where credit is due here.
It's a shame you followed that up with "And they do so mockingly as if people with such handicaps are something to look down upon, to laugh at, and make fun of." because it's wrong. Coulter isn't mocking people with Down's Syndrome any more then people who taunt conservatives with the "Nazi" label are mocking Nazis.
Find another strawman and get back to us.
My opinion was formulated after reading and taking to heart and mind the feedback by those who feel slighted by the use of that term, and those who care for them. Before I took the time to do so, my opinion was similar to yours, what's the harm? Feel free to remain ignorant. Feel free to remain arrogant. Feel free to discount the opinions of those coming from a perspective you should be giving thanks you'll never experience as they do. Close you eyes to it. Close your ears to it. Instead speak with clear and undeniable ignorance and boorishness as to what offense should and shouldn't be taken by those who are the subject of the insults you cast. Quite frankly, I'm embarrassed for you.
By the way, your comparison of calling someone a Nazi is a bit off the mark. Nazism is a chosen belief system that one takes personal responsibility as to whether or not it is embraced or rejected. Those with downs syndrome or other similar Mental handicaps did not choose their walk in life, God did. And they are unable to change their situation. Your willingness to insult others at their expense and then, dispite their feedback, deny harm is being done them in doing so is indefensible. But please, by all means, continue impressing us with your fine intellect and insightful perspectives.
"Except you're not criticizing yourself for attacking Coulter as taunting people with Down's Syndrome."
"Then why are you attacking what Coulter said?"
Being critical of someone, or "attacking" as you put it, isn't in and of itself wrong, nor does doing so mandate an apology should be offered. If that's what you read into my message, then you should read it again, because I didn't say or imply such.
I did refer to Coulter as an ass-hole, which is admittedly crass, but in this case I felt deserved. Not because of her political leanings. Not because she taunted those with mental deficiencies....because I know that was not her intent in using the word toward Obama. (Which is, of course, the whole premise of the argument by her supporters, such as yourself.) I'm critical of her because those who felt slighted by her use of the word voiced their concerns quite articulately and effectively, and she basically responded with arrogance and apathy by telling them to pound salt.
No doubt, the conservative agenda websites you seem to frequent and formulate your opinions through included links to their feedback to Coulter. Certainly this is the case, right? Fair and open minded such website operators are to messages counter to their opinions....but just in case they didn't, here you go:
Ultimately, you can still choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to their opinions. However, I'd suggest applying some of those Christian principles and values conservatives claim to embrace so fervently. Just remember, the first african americans who stood up and voiced concern over the use of the word nigger were responded to much the same as Coulter responded to the feedback being offered her. It's a shame we don't do a better job learning from our own history.
Listen to a jew complaine about bad remarks about people. Just about every reporter and news caster in United States done that and about 90 percent of them are Jews. I don't see how Ann Coulter got got on predominitally Jewish network.Howard Stern made more bad remarks about many many people than anyone I ever heard of and got away with it because of what he is. He is typical of the Jewish people I met totally abnoxious.
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