Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Beetle vs. Pipeline

American burying beetle

The 'endangered' American burying beetle is delaying progress on a $2.3 billion pipeline in Oklahoma.
The insect has been listed as an endangered species since 1989. To ensure the bug’s safety, environmental regulations require companies to hire biologists and survey areas for the beetles before they dig in areas where the beetle may be found.

If any of the species are found in an area, biologists must trap or bait them away.
Frankly, I contend that the endangered species act needs revision. If a bug can dramatically affect the economy of a region, state or the country, whether to protect the bug should be voted on by the public.

Imagine the ballot. Pick one: (1) Save the American burying beetle, or (2) Pay higher prices for gasoline. Yes, let the public decide. We're a democracy, are we not?

As an aside, I recall an old episode (1982) of the Saturday Night Live television program where cast member Eddie Murphy held a lobster above a boiling pot of water and asked viewers to call in during the show to determine whether the lobster, named Larry, lived or died. Check the video.


Whether a bug, crustacean, bird, fish or non-human mammal, its need for protection under the law should be put before the voters. Let citizens decide whether the American burying beetle deserves protection. Environmentalists and scientists can make their arguments to the public while citizen and business groups can plead their case.

1 comment:

Greddy said...

If the people are like you, they are too stupid to understand the interconnectedness of nature and how one bug's presence (or lack of) can radically change an ecosystem. If you don't believe me, ask the loggers in the northeast as they watch one little beetle destroy billions of dollars worth of ash trees.


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