Most of these things at colleges turn out to be provocations by Leftists. This is likely another such. But it makes a great occasion to bask in self-righteousness.
I note that the college rag refers to it as: "Recurrant hate speech". An inability to spell at Vassar? They seem to think that hate speech has something to do with dried fruit. What about some sultana hate speech instead?
Within the span of one week, two instances of graffitied hate speech have appeared in Jewett House. The first, which read “I hate n****rs,” was forcefully etched with a ballpoint pen onto a west second floor bathroom stall and reported on Sunday, Sept. 23.
The second, which read “She’s just asking for it”, was written in pink lipstick in the elevator and discovered on Friday, Sept. 28.
These incidents, each targeting a specific identity-based group, were both swiftly responded to within and outside of Jewett House.
President Catharine “Cappy” Bond Hill sent out an all-campus email the day of the meeting, alerting the Vassar community to the offensive message and detailing reactive steps that were being taken. “As my statement to the community indicated, the graffiti found on campus violated our core values as a community,” wrote Hill in an emailed statement.

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).
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