(Newtown, Connecticut) New developments at 4:00PM EST.
New (unconfirmed) information has been disclosed which contradicts previous reporting. The shooter is now believed to be the brother of Ryan Lanza, a 20-year-old named Adam Lanza.
Confirmed thus far: 20 dead children (18 died in kindergarten classroom, two died in hospital); 6 dead adults at school; shooter dead (possible suicide).
Being investigated: one dead at secondary Newtown crime scene believed to be shooter's mother; one dead at Hoboken, NJ, crime scene believed to be shooter's father.
Search for a possible second shooter is in progress.

The shooter has been identified as one Ryan Lanza out of New Jersey.Also, Ryan Lanza's parents have been found dead.
A quick Facebook scan has identified one Mr. Ryan Lanza in the 18-24 year old age group, out of Hoboken, NJ who lists Newtown, CT as his home city.
The story continues to develop.
Horrible, horrible tragedy.
Ryan Lanza (not involved with the shooting) is the older brother of the shooted Adam Lanza.
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