Monday, February 18, 2013

China Occupies Pakistani Port

(Gwadar Port, Pakistan)
China took control of Pakistan's Gwadar port on Monday as part of its drive to secure energy and maritime routes that also gives it a potential Arabian Sea naval base, sparking Indian concern.[…]

On January 30 the Pakistani cabinet approved the transfer of Gwadar, currently a commercial failure cut off from the national road network, from PSA International to the state-owned China company.

The Pakistanis pitched the deal as offering an energy and trade corridor that would connect China to the Arabian Sea and Strait of Hormuz, a gateway for a third of the world's traded oil, overland through an expanded Karakoram Highway.
So, China is expanding its strategic geopolitical influence while the U.S. is shrinking economically and sharply cutting its military capabilities. What's wrong with this picture?

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