PETA - The Shelter of Last Resort
Documents released from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services show that PETA, the organization famous for ruining perfectly good fur coats, euthanized almost 90% of the animals it housed in a shelter at its Virginia headquarters.
The vast majority of animals to the brought to the shelter were ‘surrendered by owner’.
According to the document, PETA only managed to get 23 of the animals in its care adopted, while euthanizing the other 1,675.
So, animals killed were in the thousands. Heh. I'd suggest that PETA has expanded the definition of 'ethical treatment' to include killing.
I've heard such for ages. It reminds me of liberals in politics generally. They offer shelter for all, trying to pump the number of dependents by supporting people in their wretched choices, excusing the criminal, negligent, irresponsible. Nay, outright supporting those things through "redistribution". When they have enough lame or lazy bought and in the bag to gain the final say? Then it is time to... do the hard work, final solutions and such. Animals, people, I don't think it much matters to them.
This will really piss-off PETA!
A clean shot to the head, no torture here.
Story below: Here is the YouTube:
A maintenance contractor with Valley Meat Co. is shown in the video bringing a horse out of its pen, swearing at activists and then killing the horse with a single gunshot, KOB-TV reported Thursday.
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