Swedish blogger Sophia has obtained the official figures for January/February and compared them with equivalent figures in previous years. She finds a distinct COOLING trend. Excerpt below

The trend for 1990 to 2013 is - 0.56 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2013 is - 1.13 F / Decade
So the “warming trend” 2000-2013 for Jan-Feb is exactly - 1.13 F degrees a decade. That is a whopping - 11.3 F COOLER in 100 years. That’s what I call “warming”!
And this is also the decade that the Global Warming Hysterics have been screaming at the top of their lungs, trying to scare us to death, about the catastrophic treat that the “extreme increase” in temperature is to mankind and earth.
According to the computer models that the Global Warming Hysterics love so much, worship and blindly follows (especially our intelligent politicians), it should be EXACTLY the opposite.
And we are supposed to be very worried about a predicted rise of 3-4 F? But not this ACTUAL trend?
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).
1 comment:
Dr. Ray:
Don't you know that Global Cooling is PROOF of Global Warming? Especially when its Man-Made, you know, by the likes of Al Gorecle.
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