Tuesday, April 09, 2013

How it should be

Americans who have been put through the wringer by the TSA when they travel by air might like to reflect on the following report from a New Zealand mother (and her husband) arriving home after a trip overseas with her 2-year old daughter (Hannah) in her arms.
We landed home in Queenstown to a cold but sunny day with Daylight Saving on its last day.  Having Hannah in our arms always gets us through customs quickly as security sends us through the express line and we were greeted by customs with a smile, after reading our arrival card she said "welcome home".

Wouldn't we all like to be treated like that by officials?  I think it is arguable that New Zealand is the last outpost of civilization.  Maybe there's some remnant of it in small-town America.  My favorite New Zealand story is here.

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).


Mike Pechar said...

Interesting, the last outpost of civilization is also the gateway to Antarctica.

Anyone feeling elbowed?

Wireless.Phil said...

As a contractor in my later years, Afghanistan was bad enough in 2003.
I have the skin complexion being Hungarian, Italian and American Indian.
They checked me out really close passing through Baku, Azerbaijan, into Kabul.


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