Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mars Mission

This summer applications will be accepted for a colonization trip to Mars. Forty candidates will be selected for training with an anticipated launch date in September 2022.
Once on Mars they will have "relatively spacious living units; over 50 square meters per person, and a total of more than 200 square meters combined interior space," to enjoy for the next two years, all under CCTV for our viewing entertainment.
Experts are skeptical of the project and doubt humans will survive for any extended period of time on Mars. Additionally, it's generally accepted that there will be no return flights. The Mars colonists won't be coming back to Earth.

Interestingly, the first four colonists will be selected by popular vote of the general public. As a card-carrying member of the general public, I've got a list of people I believe should be shot into space, never to come back. Oh yeah!


Doom said...

Not a chance. The bone density problem isn't completely solved by being in a lower gravity well, on top of the other problems. The density, for all we know, continues to decline as well. Fractures would become... horribly common. And they simply wouldn't repair. Imagine the show with a bunch of gibbering gimps, dying because they couldn't even stand to get food.

Wireless.Phil said...

They think they solved the gravity problem with a spining room inside the space craft.

But once there, there is no coming back.

Doom said...

They think? Hehehe I love it when other people think for the safety of others when the thinkers will get rich regardless of actual safety. While I despise what unions have become, they once served a purpose.


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