Saturday, June 15, 2013

PTA Prez Accused of Embezzlement

(Frederick, Maryland) A 45-year-old local woman, Amy Baker, has been accused of stealing over $10,000 from the Whittier Elementary School Parent Teacher Association.

Baker, former president of the PTA, faces theft, embezzlement and misappropriation charges.
β€œ(Baker) was very apologetic,” Frederick Police Detective Steven Petruzzello wrote in the court documents. β€œShe was in a desperate state of mind and wanted to provide for her children.”

Baker, then known as Amy Shifflett, is accused of embezzling funds through 21 checks, 14 electronic checks and one cash withdrawal. The money paid for groceries, clothing, home decor, a cable TV bill, restaurant meals, sports equipment and checks Baker wrote to herself, according to the documents.
Details on booking are unavailable.

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