Sunday, July 28, 2013

American Idol Lawsuit

Former black contestants on the American Idol show have filed a lawsuit claiming racial profiling.
The lawsuit stems from a letter submitted in January by New York City lawyer James H. Freeman on behalf the 10 contestants to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The letter cited ”cruel and inhumane” treatment, claiming that Idol‘s producers have only publicly disqualified 10 contestants in the show’s history, all of whom were black.
The producers of the show allegedly looked at the arrest records of black contestants and disqualified those found to be iffy while not at all researching criminal histories of white contestants.

Each of the ten plaintiffs seeks $25 million.


The Big Jub Jub said...

They should GFTS!

Unknown said...

Instead of $25 million they should be put in front of a firing line for having the nerve to sue as though they had lost all their limbs.


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