PETA Euthanizes Many, Many Dogs and Cats
(Norfolk, Virginia)
Heh.New York Times report on PETA's refusal to adopt a "no kill" shelter model has tarnished its image. The story said the PETA animal shelter in Norfolk, Va., kills an average of 2,000 dogs and cats annually -- this is at a time when animal adoptions are up dramatically at non-PETA shelters where a "no kill" policy is in effect.
The PETA facility placed only 19 animals in adoptions in 2012 and only 24 the year before. It euthanized most of the animals it has made a duty to protect. The same is true of PETA's New York shelter. Non-PETA shelters in New York City are able to place up to 90 percent of their dogs and cats in adoptive homes.
Sick fucks. That's like feminists who screech about being for equality when every action they take demonstrates the opposite.
Just in it for the money to sidle that over to non-animal politics, such as also making sure human babies are murdered, attempting to disarm the good citizens, and making sure blacks are kept in their place. It never was about animal welfare. Just as most of the front groups have nothing to do with supporting "their own" in any real way. *cough* NOW *cough*
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