Friday, August 16, 2013

Mexicans Sentenced to Death in Malaysia

(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) In May 2012, three Mexican brothers, Luis Alfonso, Jose Regino and Simon Gonzalez Villarreal, were sentenced to death by a Malaysian court for drug trafficking. They had been prosecuted after being arrested allegedly in possession of 64 pounds of methamphetamine.

This week, Malaysia's Court of Appeals upheld the the death sentences.

Now, the government of Mexico, through the foreign ministry, has vowed to pursue all legal remedies on behalf of the brothers.
Mexico “maintains a position contrary to the death penalty” and will actively monitor the course of the Gonzalez Villarreal brothers’ appeal to Malaysia’s Supreme Federal Court, the foreign ministry said in a statement.
The Mexican brothers have claimed they were merely cleaning the drug factory when arrested and couldn't get a fair trial due to the language barrier.

Is it reasonable to conclude that arms of illegal Mexican drug trade reach all the way to southeast Asia? Appears so.

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