Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sagging Pants Crime

(Brooklyn, New York)
A Brooklyn man who tried to make a getaway on foot after swiping a woman’s cell phone was caught by police when he tripped and fell over his own sagging pants.

Police and eye witnesses say Joel Donaldson, 21, punched his victim Maria Soccoro, in the face Wednesday then snatched her phone and took off running.

But as he ran, his ill-fitting jeans kept tripping him up until they were completely around his ankles.
Donaldson faces a charge of robbery. He won't be prosecuted for being an idiot.

From another perspective, evidence now shows that devotees of the saggy pants culture are career-limited.

1 comment:

Wireless.Phil said...

We have these "sagging pants" idiots around here too.
The only good thing about sagging pants is that they can't run fast.


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