Nevada Teacher Gets No Jail in Student Sex Case - Update
(Las Vegas, Nevada)
Arguably, Queen has been treated quite leniently.A former substitute teacher who pleaded guilty in a case of sex involving an underage student was given a suspended prison sentence and five years of probation.
Tanikka Queen, 22, appeared for her sentencing in Las Vegas Justice Court on Thursday.
A judge gave Queen a suspended six to 15 years sentence in prison. She was also sentenced to five years of probation, community service and was required to register as a sex offender. She was ordered to lifetime supervision as well.
Nevada Teacher Guilty of Sex with Boy - Update
[Previous 4/24/14 post]
(Las Vegas, Nevada)
A former substitute teacher is facing as many as two decades in prison after pleading guilty on charges she had a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old student.Details on sentencing were not reported.
Tanikka Queen, 22, faced numerous counts including kidnapping, sexual assault and statutory sexual seduction involving a child under 16. Most of the 45 counts were dropped in exchange for her pleading guilty to luring a child and sexual contact with a student.
According to her arrest report, Queen exchanged 2,400 text messages with the 15-year-old boy and said she knew what she was doing was wrong.
Nevada Teacher Accused of Sex with Boy
[Previous 3/13/14 post]
(Las Vegas, Nevada) A 22-year-old geography teacher who substituted at Hyde Park Middle School, Tanikka “Bella” Queen, has been arrested for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy.
Queen faces counts of first-degree kidnapping, sexual assault against a child under 16, statutory sexual seduction and luring a child to engage in a sex act.
The affair was uncovered when the parent of a female student, with whom Queen had a close friendship, found text messages on the girl’s phone referring to the affair.Queen was booked into custody at the Clark County Detention Center without bail.
The boy’s father also became suspicious when his son came home with a hickey.
According to a 24-page Las Vegas police report, Queen, who taught geography, initially denied having an affair with her student. In one interview with Metro detectives, Queen described the boy as a troubled eighth-grader.
Detectives were able to recover from a cellphone about 2,400 text messages, 108 phone calls and 38 photographs sent between Queen and the boy which showed a burgeoning love affair.
What's the big deal ? She was just teaching him Anatomical Geography..
Teachers who are recent college grads should not be candidates to educate Middle and High School students. In appropriate behavior can easily happen when immaturity exist. She herself is still very young. Lines of attraction has no laws as we all know. It is moral maturity that has to be in place
If the gender of the perpetrator and the victim were reversed the perpetrator would have got 20 to life. By the perpetrator's own admission, she took advantage of a “troubled eight grader”. We need to protect all of our children not just our female children. The double standard here is really sad commentary on our legal system.
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