Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pennsylvania Teacher Walks in Sex Assault Case - Update

(Carlisle, Pennsylvania)
Emily L. Nesbit, 32, of South Middleton Township, was sentenced by Cumberland County Judge Albert Masland to 4 years of probation. The sentence follows a plea agreement struck with the district attorney's office.
Nesbit must also undergo sexual-offender treatment and register in accordance with Megan's Law.

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Pennsylvania Teacher Pleads Guilty to Sex Assault - Update
[Previous 9/16/14 post]
(Cumberland County, Pennsylvania) Former Cumberland Valley High School teacher Emily L. Nesbit pleaded guilty today to institutional sexual assault.
Silver Spring Township Police said they began their investigation after associate principal Rob Martin was informed by an 18-year-old female student that she was looking through a male student's cellphone, with his permission, and found a conversation between the male student and Nesbit she thought was sexual in nature.

When police interviewed the male student, he told officers he would meet with Nesbit in her classroom at the end of the school day, and said they had held hands, kissed and had sexual contact, police said. The two had been communicating regularly for about two months, police said.

Police indicate the student and Nesbit had exchanged provocative photos of each other, and messages from Nesbit on the student's phone indicated her desire to have sex with him, and inferred past sexual activity, police said.
In accordance with a plea deal, Nesbit was preliminarily sentenced to probation. Formal sentencing will occur on December 16 after a review by the Pennsylvania sexual offender assessment board.

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Pennsylvania Teacher Accused of Sex Assault
[Previous 3/14/14 post]
(Cumberland County, Pennsylvania) A 31-year-old English teacher at Cumberland Valley High School, Emily Nesbit, has been accused of engaging in sexual act with an 18-year-old male student in her classroom.

Nesbit has been charged with institutional sexual assault.
At a press conference this morning, Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed said Nesbit and an 18-year-old male student engaged in sex acts on school grounds, not outside of school.

The student involved broke no laws, just maybe school regulations, Freed said.
Nesbit remains free as of this report.


Wireless.Phil said...

At 18, he is not a child.

Anyway,here is more:
"Prosecutors are urging parents to closely monitor their children’s phones and social media accounts in the wake of the scandal."

Unknown said...

I believe that the "harm" in this case is more theoretical than practical (or actual); I was privileged to serve as a teacher for more than 30 years, and I know a good deal about adult high school students, and while both parties exhibited poor judgement, the long-term effects upon the student (who as an adult should not be shielded from press exposure)are not as well addressed by a necessary but rigid professional code than they are by the male protagonist in the film "Summer of '42."


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