Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fun!  With kidney stones!

AS soon as I had put up yesterday my demolition of the idiotic Warmist use of the latest kidney stone study, I tweeted a short  summary of it, with link.  Marc Morano retweeted my tweet,  as he often does.  And that generated further tweets.

One tweeter (Dennis Krupski @Dkrupski) tweeted that, instead of saying I had demolished the kidney stone claims, I should have said that  I *pulverized* the claims. That was rather witty.  Lithotripsy is the first line of defence against kidney stones and pulverizing the stones is what lithotripsy hopefully does.

But a much more amusing tweet was by a Solon going by the name of "Thetracker" (@IdiotTracker).  He is evidently a Warmist so wanted to disrespect my kidney stone comments. And he did it in a classic Warmist way:  By abusing me and appealing to authority.  He made absolutely no mention of the scientific points I had made.  And even his abuse was not clever.  He accused me of writing from "Mom's basement".  Since I am a 71 year old academic with a couple of hundred published academic journal articles behind me, that little speculation was way off.

It is rather saddening how often Warmists talk about "The science" as supporting their ideas but rarely mention one single scientific fact.  Actual science clearly freaks them. Skeptics, by contrast, post scientific facts about the alleged warming all the time.

And the appeals to authority which Warmists substitute for scientific debate are logically problematic anyway.  The "argumentum ad verecundiam" (appeal to authority) is well known to logicians as one of the classic informal fallacies in logic.  It is quite simply illogical. That Warmists rely on it is therefore pathetic.  They are poor souls indeed. Their pernicious cult is founded on speculation only -- JR

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

1 comment:

Wireless.Phil said...

CNN Anchor Bill Weir to Fox Nation: 'You Willfully Ignorant F*cksticks' (UPDATED)

Mediaite‎ - 6 hours ago


Main Entry: cli·mate 

Pronunciation: \ˈklī-mət\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle Englishclimat, from Middle French, from Late Latin climat-, clima,from Greek klimat-, klimainclination, latitude, climate, from klinein to lean — more atlean

Date: 14th century

1 :  a region of the earth having specified climatic conditions 2 a :  the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation b :  the prevailing set of conditions (as of temperature and humidity) indoors  3 :  the prevailing influence or environmental conditions characterizing a group or period :  atmosphere


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