Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Legalizing Incest

Patrick K.

(Leipzig, Germany)
The German Ethics Council said on Wednesday the government should consider decriminalizing incestuous relationships.

The government advisory body had been considering the question following a 2012 case at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) brought by a man, Patrick S. in an incestuous relationship with his sister, Susan K.[…]

The Ethics Council argued that the criminal law was not the right way to uphold social taboos or set up boundaries for people's sexual behaviour.
Interesting, eh?


Doom said...

There should be some legal limits, but barring a massive wave of incestuous birth defects... I have to agree, that the law isn't and shouldn't be seen as the arbiter of society, just a rough simple guideline, neither of which it currently is. I hate to say it, but I think I fully endorse... not legalizing, merely no longer illegalizing, the thing.

Wireless.Phil said...

Oh hell Doom!
The bones break easy when you cook them while trying to get rid of them for dinner.

I'm joking!!!

Incest is wrong, a crime, even if the animals do it.

But how many screwed up animals do you see?


That is because the mother either rejects them and they die, or they eat them.

Part joking with you, part truth..

Wireless.Phil said...

So, this "german" has the hots for family off spring, a sick bastard!

Doom said...

No doubt, Phil. Hell, I've had the hots for cousins, and was adopted so... but still, wouldn't. It's... the nature of the thing. The problem is that law has not been a good holder of the flames of a civil order. It is up to people to do the heavy lifting. As such, society... the people... must accept, or reject, and go from there. The law isn't able to do what society must.

If you find something offensive, turn your back on the participants. If enough people do that, the incident rate will go way down, or at least be kept in private. Society seems to have given up, and law is no replacement. All I'm saying.


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