Thursday, February 12, 2015

Popular Pro-Gun Signs Vandalized

(Conoy Township, Pennsylvania)
A small Pennsylvania township has been getting a fair amount of attention over the unusual welcome signs slated for posting along every road leading into the community:

“Welcome to Conoy Twp. This Is Not a Gun Free Zone.”

Stephen Mohr, a township supervisor and lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, said reaction to the signs had been positive. “You have to realize that to most people in this township God, guns, family and friends are the four most important things,” he told Lancaster Online.

The signs are meant to deter crime and welcome law-abiding people, he said.
The signs were vandalized almost immediately by anti-gun activists.


Wireless.Phil said...
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Wireless.Phil said...

This could be a good thing.
Now the criminals go in, come out dead.

Not the cities fault the new sign was defaced.


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