Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The naughtiest dog ever

Murphy is a very well-bred bull terrier — Dad is a champion from England and Mum is a prize-winning show dog in Australia. His long list of offences, according to long-suffering owner Leigh Pride, from Carrum Downs, includes destroying the fridge.

“Murphy used to walk in and flick open the fridge door with his paw, then eat the dog food that was stored in there,” Leigh says.  “One day there was no food, so he got mad and ate the fridge!”

“Murphy has also eaten the mower, live power leads and the power source of our central heating unit, and pulled up the underground sprinkler system and caused general havoc inside our house and out,” says Leigh.

“Murphy also unfortunately dug up our dog who had died two weeks earlier and had to be rushed to the emergency vet and stay in overnight.  “He had eaten the towel we wrapped her in and the sheet also — but he didn’t eat her"


Bullies tend to be a bit dim in my experience

1 comment:

Wireless.Phil said...

The dog is bored!
Play with it, walk it, etc.

One note, years ago during winter, I did see a stray dog eating at another dog that had been hit by a car.


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