Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Barney Frank Wants Kerry's Senate Seat

At a gala event at the U.S. District Court, Congressman Barney Frank stated he would run for the Senate if John Kerry wins the presidential election. Frank, who attended the gathering with his entire family and companion, declared:
"I will run for the Senate unless we (Democrats) take back the House of Representatives, which at this time seems unlikely."
Congressman Edward Markey, also in attendance at the event, said he too would likely run for Kerry's open seat.

It must be comforting to the voters in Massachusetts to know that they don't have to look far for a leftist politician to represent them in Congress. They've got them lined up. Along with Frank and Markey, Congressman Martin Meehan would also be a likely candidate in a Senate race.

I do wonder about the U.S. District Court becoming a party house. Prior to this story, I would have thought a gala event at the U.S. District Court would be the sentencing of a mobster to life in prison. I guess I was wrong since it appears the court is available for parties. So, parents, listen up! When it's time for the little one's birthday party, forget Chuck E. Cheese and book the U.S. District Court.

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