Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Homeless in Key West

Several months ago it was reported that the city council in Key West, Florida, decided to implement an aggressive program to help vagrants. They offered air-conditioned housing, bathrooms, showers, and laundry facilities and, at the time, I predicted that they would become inundated with homeless people as soon as word got around that Key West was paradise for vagrants.

As predicted, Key West has seen a massive influx of homeless people looking for handouts at the time of the year when the city traditionally sees the fewest homeless people. Yet, even though they are close to capacity in the existing homeless facilities, they've decided to offer a cafeteria-style selection of benefits based upon the individual desires of each homeless person. A postcard-size checklist is to be completed by each vagrant to identify the specific benefits they want. In addition to existing handouts, vagrants can choose from a list of new options of receiving free dental care, employment assistance, and substance abuse counseling.

It's hard to understand what the authorities are trying to accomplish, but it's easy to see that it's not working and neither are the homeless. The homeless population in Key West have it made. Everything is provided for them so there is no motivation to find a job or do anything but bask in the sun.

City authorities are perplexed. They're providing so much help and conditions just get worse with more homeless showing up daily. Writing for the Key West Citizen, Mandy Bolen says it best by starting her article with the following quote:
"If you build it, they will come."
Mandy Bolen seems to understand what the problem is and I understand the problem. I'm also fairly confident that the homeless population in Key West are praying that the city council remains clueless.

Mention needs to be made that the saga of idiocy displayed by the authorities in Key West has not, as yet, included action to pay the homeless. Failing to do so precludes the city from taking over the No. 1 spot on the Best Cities for the Homeless List. San Francisco will continue to be No. 1 as long as they maintain a generous cash giveaway program for vagrants.

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