Saturday, May 19, 2007

Mexicans Voting in U.S. Elections?

A report from Texas:
Hundreds of illegal immigrants have registered to vote in Bexar County in recent years and dozens of them have actually cast ballots, canceling out the votes of U.S. citizens, 1200 WOAI news will report Thursday morning.

Figures obtained by 1200 WOAI news shows 303 illegals successfully registered to vote, and at least 41 cast ballots in various elections.
To answer the question posed by the title, YES! Either that or Guatemalans, or Hondurans or some other foreign nationals have cast ballots, and had them counted, in Texas.

So, how is the government going to keep illegals from crossing the border when we can't even prevent them from voting? And it wouldn't surprise me if an illegal, after deportation, received an absentee ballot sent to his foreign address.

Tip: BizzyBlog

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