Tuesday, September 16, 2003


[via Yahoo!] The Canadian government now deals dope to its citizens and the marijuana they grow and sell is making the buyers angry. Apparently, the product is being sold in 1-ounce bags for $195 and the customers are returning them for a refund. They claim it's not as good as the stuff on the street.
"It's totally unsuitable for human consumption," said Jim Wakeford, 58, an AIDS patient in Gibsons, British Columbia.
In addition to selling the stuff, the government is providing cushy places to use the drugs. In Vancouver they inaugurated:
. . . North America's first government-authorized drug-injection site Monday. The controversial government-funded project will give users injection kits and allow them to shoot up under nurse supervision.

Drug users sometimes use dirty needles and water from puddles to shoot up. Now, addicts wanting to use the new facility will be ushered into a brightly lit room lined on one side by open, mirrored booths where they can inject drugs.

After finishing, they will be taken to a "chill-out room," where they can receive counseling and peer referrals.
I am hoping that they are successful in their programs. Canada might lure drug users from other countries such as the US and then have additional subjects to monitor for their liberal drug programs while the US would have fewer drug users. It's a win-win situation.

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