Monday, September 15, 2003


Dan Nephin, AP writer, reports on an aspect of life of which many people are oblivious. Dating when blind.
When Lauren Halbert was 16 years old and new to dating, she thought that having a handsome guy on her arm was what it was all about.

Then she lost virtually all of her sight - and nearly her life - in a car crash almost two years ago. Life and dating haven't looked the same since.

For one thing, physical appearances no longer mean anything; it's who a person is on the inside that counts to her now, said Halbert, 18, of Weatherford, Texas.

"They might look hot as anything" and treat you poorly, said Halbert, one of three dozen people who attended a seminar on dating for the blind and visually impaired at the American Council of the Blind's annual convention in Pittsburgh.
Lynn Cooper, motivational speaker and seminar leader, discussed the general barriers that must be overcome when a blind person dates and also provided specific guidance.
Blind or visually impaired people might want to bring along a trusted seeing friend on a first date, Cooper said. The friend can later tell them how the date went based on visual cues.

A seeing friend or family member can also help a blind or visually impaired person select an outfit that projects the right personality.
My mind conjures up all kinds of scenarios when I think of the problems a blind person has in dating.

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