Thursday, October 30, 2003


It's not often that I participate in online games, quizzes, and polls, but Spoons pointed me to the Gender Genie and I tried it. It predicts a person's gender by analyzing a sample of the person's writing. I previously mentioned this capability being developed and now it's available for everyone to use.

My submittal for analysis was RAINBOW FAMILY and the resulting score was:
Female Score: 531
Male Score: 1707
I'm no expert, but the numbers seem to indicate a handsome concentration of testosterone emanates from my writing. Interestingly, the other people that took the test recently had these scores:

Spoons Experience
Female Score: 524
Male Score: 1599
Curmudgingly & Skeptical
Female Score: 882
Male Score: 1174
Female Score: 777
Male Score: 931
Readers can interpret the numbers for themselves. My only comment is that Glenn Reynolds ought to keep an eye on the future and prepare for a possible reversal of polarity.

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