Friday, April 09, 2004

Group Blogs

Regarding group blogs, there's an interesting post and an even more interesting comment thread over at The Spoons Experience. The general consensus seems to be that, with a few notable exceptions, group blogs customarily are less appealing to the reader than individual blogs. I personally believe that it's quite ambitious to make grand generalizations about any particular aspect of the blogosphere since there are an infinite number of things going on simultaneously. And, what's successful and appealing today may be the exact opposite tomorrow.

It's also important to consider the purpose of the group blog in any assessment. If the purpose is to attract the most readers, assessing the blog is simple. Look at the counter. However, if there are other important motivations for the group blog and traffic is a secondary consideration, it becomes more difficult to evaluate.

Since I'm a regular contributor to a group blog, eTALKINGHEAD, my comments probably reflect a some bias. Nevertheless, group blogs are popular and any discussion of relative strengths and weaknesses is worthwhile. To read or to join in, visit Spoons.

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