Saturday, May 08, 2004

Brigitte Bardot on Trial

(Paris, France) According to this report, Brigitte Bardot's best-selling book Islamicization of France has angered some people and she is now defending herself on charges of inciting racial hatred. The book discusses mixing of races and the "infiltration" of France by Islamic extremists. The 69-year-old legendary sex goddess said she didn't mean to hurt anyone, however, if she's convicted, she faces a possible one year in jail.

This case appears to be an act of political correctness. Islamic extremists are incited to racial hatred as a lifestyle. As long as the nonbelievers are breathing, they are hated by the extremists. As for the Islamic extremists, they incite hatred towards themselves by their actions. Does anyone think they are lovable for killing thousands of innocent people by homicide bombings? I don't.

With regard to Bardot's book, I don't think it could incite hatred when it already exists. She probably just wrote about it and that's politically incorrect.

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