Thursday, September 30, 2004

Child Porn Ring Busted in Australia

Almost 200 people have been arrested thus far in a massive nationwide raid of child pornographers linked to Eastern European organized crime. A childcare center owner, teachers, police officers, doctors, members of the armed forces, and government officials collectively face thousands of charges ranging from rape and sexual assault to sex tourism and creating and possessing child porn.
According to state and territory police figures released today, 68 people were so far facing charges in Victoria, 57 in Queensland, 28 in NSW, 24 in Western Australia, seven in the Northern Territory, six in South Australia and one in Tasmania.

More suspects were being questioned tonight and further charges expected, police said.

All those facing charges appear to have accessed pay-per-view child porn websites hosted by organised crime groups in eastern Europe.

State and territory police seized 380 computers, CDs, photographic equipment and magazines as they executed more than 400 search warrants.

Porn collections ranged from one or two images up to one person's library in WA which contained more than 200,000 images accumulated over decades.

"These are the most heinous, vile, despicable crimes against the child," said NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney.
Numbers of arrests are changing as more suspect locations are raided under the blitz called Operation Auxin, The Australian crackdown came as part of a major international investigation headed by the U.S. Customs Service.

My joy at this news is tempered by the fact that there are still many, many perverts in societies throughout the world.

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