Monday, October 04, 2004

Iran Says Kerry Can Shove It

Last week, candidate Kerry proposed to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue by having the U.S. supply the country with uranium. Apparently, I'm not the only person that believes Kerry's proposal is absolutely bizarre, the Iranians do too. Their position is that Kerry can basically shove the idea. Iran's reasoning is different than mine but the result is the same.

Also blogging:
In The Bullpen,
Backcountry Conservative
Reference needs to be made to the fact that Kerry's proposal mirrors what the Clinton administration actually did with regard to North Korea. We saw there that giving the NORKS nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes resulted in Kim Jong-Il having nuclear weapons. Even Clinton's SecState, grimacing Madeleine Albright, has stated that 'we were fooled' concerning negotiations with the NORKS. Maybe John Kerry should crack a book on the recent history of the world.

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